Does salt cause high blood pressure | Ghizayat knows | Did you know ?
Salt: Patients with mild hypertension and those with a family history of hypertension should control the intake of salt. Generally, it is recommended to control it below 5 grams, that is, the food contains a mild salty taste, and the amount of salt is about normal diet. One third of For patients with tinnitus, dizziness, heart failure, edema, and aggressive hypertension, the amount of salt should be strictly controlled. Searching for an online Nutrition counseling? Ghizayat provides online nutrition counseling services in Pakistan. LIVE CHATS with a nutritionist. Our online Dietitian provides special diet plans for weight loss, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and many preventable diseases. We are the best nutritionist from Lahore, We offer customized diet plans and nutritional advice, guidance for all types of diets. Find the Best Dietitian in Lahore, Schedule an appointment today. نمک: ہلکے ہائی بلڈ پریشر کے مریضوں اور ہائی بلڈ پریشر کی خاند...